
Ali Smith Membership Secretary

Dear Swim Parents After listening to feedback from a number of parents I thought it would be helpful to lay out what galas are on this side of Christmas and provide a little detail on which galas are suitable for which swimmers. I appreciate that there is sometimes an assumed level of knowledge about these things which for new swim parents is not going to be the case. In terms of some more background on galas for new parents and the mechanics of entering via Team Unify please refer to...

Scott Creelie Gala Fees Treasurer

Hi All, I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be looking to bring the gala fees account up to date over the course of the next couple of days. This is the first time that we will collect gala fees via the new TeamUnify system - As a reminder, these will now be collected directly from the credit / debit card that parents register when they enter their swimmers into galas. Parents should receive an automatically generated email from the TeamUnify system to inform you of the...

James Woodward


Please see attached updated minutes for AGM 2022 for approval /portobelloasc/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/pasc-agm-minutes-22_058845.docx

James Woodward


Please see a link to a proposal for payment of fees via team unify - to be discussed at tonights AGM /portobelloasc/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/monthly-training-fees-via-team-unify-proposal---june-2023-agm_007670.docx

James Woodward

Please see attached reports for considering at tomorrow's AGM including last years minutes /portobelloasc/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/swimming-report---agm-2023_034758.docx /portobelloasc/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/2023-senior-water-polo-report-agm_076758.docx ./portobelloasc/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/2023-treasurers-agm-report_098735.pdf /portobelloasc/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/pasc-agm-minutes-22_005007.docx /portobelloasc/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/agm-2023-gala-convenor-report_047177.docx /portobelloasc/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/membership-secretary-report-agm-2023_061567.docx /portobelloasc/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/junior-water-polo-agm-2023_087598.docx /portobelloasc/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/meet-secretary-report-agm-23_037925.docx

Alistair Smith

Hi everyone Please note the following upcoming galas - Haddington Total Swim Meet - May 28th - entries now closed and gala over subscribed. Gail will be in touch with who has made which entries. - Musselburgh Summer Fun Meet - for Dev 1,2,3 and Ints. Please note this is Saturday June 10th. NOT June 11th as originaly indicated. Apologies for the confusion - human error getting used to the new Team Unify system. I will resend the sign up email. Deadline for entries is May 23rd. - East Distrcit...

Alistair Smith

NB: this will also appear in the Team App News while we run with both systems until mid-June Hi everyone As part of the Team Unify adoption we are changing how swimmers enter into galas. Currently this is a hugely time intensive and manual process that largely relies on the large time commitment and fantastic efforts of Gail Hogarth and Scott Creelie. Utilising Team Unify will put more responsibility onto parents to enter meets and pay for them upfront. A very brief summary is that you can sign your swimmer...

Ali Smith Membership Secretary

To All Scottish Swimming Members, Shared on behalf of Scottish Swimming. You may have seen that there is a lot in the press about transgender athletes competing in sport. Scottish Swimming are developing guidance and a policy around the inclusion of transgender and non-binary athletes and volunteers in our sports, at the heart of which is a commitment for ‘fairness in competition.’ As part of the development of such guidance, Scottish Swimming are going out to consultation across our membership and there will be various opportunities for everyone to contribute...

Ali Smith Membership Secretary

Posting in both TeamUnify and TeamApp, training schedules have been updated on both platforms. We are delighted to confirm that Portobello High School is open as of tonight, we do however still have some restrictions and to ensure fair pool time for all squads we have updated the training schedule. Please look at it and ensure that you are going to the right place at the right time, some of the times and venues are different to what they were before, we are sorry for inconvenience. The high school pool...

Alistair Smith

Please note this update has also been posted on Team App while we run with both systems as people adopt Team Unify. We've been informed the PHS pool is due to re-open on May 1st. However, this has just been via our local councillors who have been keeping themselves updated. We are still to hear officially from Edinburgh Leisure therefore we can't confirm exactly when all our swim/ WP sessions will restart (and what it means for the temporary sessions at Leith Victoria). Sorry we can't give more detail at...