PASC Gala Fees Update

Scott Creelie Gala Fees Treasurer

Hi All,

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be looking to bring the gala fees account up to date over the course of the next couple of days.

This is the first time that we will collect gala fees via the new TeamUnify system - As a reminder, these will now be collected directly from the credit / debit card that parents register when they enter their swimmers into galas.  Parents should receive an automatically generated email from the TeamUnify system to inform you of the invoice amount and a confirmation / receipt message.

The specific gala fees that will be collected this week are for swims completed at:

  • Musselburgh Summer Fun Gala 
  • East District Summer Sizzler
  • Scottish National Open Meeting

Gala fees for the Scottish Invitational Meeting will be collected the 'old fashioned' way via email and a request to transfer funds to the account! 

Going forward, my plan is to collect gala fees in the month directly following each gala - This enables me to confirm exactly who swam at the event before the system collects the money.

I am hoping that everything runs smoothly however if there are any 'teething issues' or if anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at: [email protected]

Thank you

Scott Creelie

Gala Fees Treasurer